Why Study the Bible? (Part 1)

by Jerry Senn

There is a great difference between reading and studying the Bible

I asked a friend one day what he had been studying in the Scriptures. He replied, “I read it often, but never get into the weeds.” This may be the way many believers make use of their Bibles. Of course, this approach has some value, but it is like putting your big toe in the surf.

According to one noted student of Scripture, there are a couple myths (reasons) people use to justify their failure to pursue a deeper dive into the Holy Word of God.

“Myth 1: The Bible is so difficult to understand that only highly skilled theologians with technical training can deal with the Scriptures.”

This is repeated many times by sincere people. They reason, wrongly, that it confuses them and they just give up—it’s too deep, too profound. They may even feel guilty not knowing how to get deeper, below the surface. 

The truth is, “if you can read the newspaper you can read and understand the Bible.” In fact, there may be more complex language there than in their Bibles. It is not an encyclopedia but a narrative—one story about Jesus, our Savior and friend. 

“Myth 2: The Bible is boring.”

Many might say, “Well, I guess I can understand it, but frankly the book bores me to death.” This excuse says a great deal about what a person finds exciting or what is the focus of their interests and goals.

“When people say the Bible is dull, I wonder why. Biblical characters are full of life. There is a unique passion about them. Their lives reveal drama, pathos, lust, crime, love and every aspect of human existence. There is rebuke, remorse, contrition, consolation, practical wisdom, violence, philosophical reflection, but most of all, truth.”

“They think the stories are ancient and foreign. How does Abraham—living so long ago and so far away—relate to us? Though their life settings are different their struggles and concerns are very much like our own.”

It is simply a matter of where our hearts and minds are directed daily !!!

“For the present form of this world is passing away” (1 Cor 7:31, ESV).

“All that is not eternal is eternally out of date” (C S Lewis).