by Jerry Senn
Knowing the purpose of the Bible is vital
It is a great pity that readers of the Bible do not always ask the hard questions about its purpose. In the first place, we should never expect to understand what we read when we pick up the Bible and read at random.
“Some start at Genesis and get stuck in Leviticus. Others may doggedly persevere from a sense of duty, even setting (and achieving) a target of reading the whole Bible through section by section in five years, but without deriving much benefit from their study because they lack understanding of the book’s overall purpose. Or indeed many give up reading altogether, or never start it, because they cannot see how the tale of a faraway people in a faraway age could have any relevance for them today” (JRW Stott).
However, the theme of the Bible, (its purpose) is clearly stated in several places. Perhaps the most enlightening passage of this matter is found in Paul’s letter to Timothy:
“From an infant you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:13-17).
In this concise statement we find the origin, “God-breathed,” inspired by God, and its object: “useful” for human beings. Its purpose is to make a person “wise for salvation.”
Salvation is at its core. However, that word is often misused and misunderstood. For many, “salvation” is an embarrassment, even an object of ridicule. The pride of humans is epidemic. But salvation is freedom…the renewal of life (new life) for those in bondage to their sin.
The Bible isn’t a book of science, though it contains scientific facts which do not contradict real science. But, it is not a science handbook.
The Bible isn’t simply a literary masterpiece, though it contains great literature, unmatched by great works of men. The New Testament was written in koine Greek, the everyday language of the people, and lacks (at times) “literary polish.”
The Bible isn’t philosophical, yet it contains profound wisdom. “On almost every page men and women sin, and men and women suffer…but no ultimate explanation of either is (an times) offered.” (See the book of Job).
The Bible makes a couple of things too clear to deny. First, man is guilty of sinning against God. Second, God’s love for mankind led Him to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to purchase our salvation by shedding his blood to remove our sin. And third, Jesus is coming again in God’s own time.
This is the story the Bible reveals as its purpose. It is why we need its message in our thoughts and minds to bring us peace and assurance.
We must never read or study God’s Word without being aware of its central purpose !!! This magnificent library of 66 books is God’s message to a lost and dying world. He’s saying, “I love even the vilest of sinners.”