by Jerry Senn
Miracles do happen! God intervenes in the natural world when it pleases Him to do so. His purposes are always pure and His ways are founded on His love and power. Only those who reject the idea of a miracle working God can deny the fact of a Messiah born of a virgin mother.
Of course this birth involved the agreement of both the mother and her husband-to-be. And, their faith in God’s word led to the fulfillment of man’s hope of redemption from the curse of sin. Yes, God knows how to pick humans to participate in His loving plans.
C S Lewis wrote: “The grounds for belief and disbelief are the same today as they were two thousand or ten thousand years ago. If Joseph had lacked faith to trust God or humility to perceive the holiness of his spouse, he could have disbelieved in the miraculous origin of her Son as easily as any modern man; and any modern man who believes in God can accept the miracle as easily as Joseph did.”
No fact of history is so well proven than the birth, life, death and resurrection of God’s miracle born Son. The famous Encyclopædia Britannica devotes more words to Jesus than to Aristotle, Cicero, Julius Caesar, or the Great Napoleon. No life has been so carefully examined, so carefully noted. No life has reached down so many centuries with so great an impact on so many millions.
Let us place our faith and hope in that Miracle birth everyday and in every season!!!