by Jerry Senn
“The blood of Jesus covers our sins and satisfies the [wrath] of the Father. The death of Jesus is what enables us to fly, because it’s the death of Jesus that forgives us and cleanses us and lifts the curse and the burden and condemnation of all our sins off of us.”
—John Piper
However, a dead Savior is no Savior at all. If that one who died for us still rests in a tomb, and if God did not raise Him to life, we have no reason to place confidence in the promised salvation His blood purchased.
God raised Jesus to life to demonstrate that His sacrifice was accepted as payment for the sins of all men everywhere who place their trust in Him. The resurrection verifies and confirms Jesus’ life giving sacrifice to overcome death, hell and the grave. (See Romans 8:1-4).
What more could He do? In the resurrection of Jesus, God is saying “Amen” to all that Jesus has accomplished on the cross. The resurrection puts an exclamation point on the gospel. It says, “ It’s all true…believe it and live in its power everyday.
As John Bunyan wrote:
“Far better news the Gospel brings,
It bids us fly and gives us wings.
Doubt not his sacrifice can save,
God sealed it with the empty tomb.
And by his blood and life we live,
And now have freedom to forgive.”
Death does not get the last word in our lives!!!
God does!!!