Something or Nothing

by Jerry Senn

"The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am foremost." 
— 1 Timothy 1:15

It was George MacDonald who wrote: “Confess ourselves poor creatures … for that is the beginning of being great. To try to persuade ourselves that we are something when we are nothing is terrible loss; to confess that we are nothing is to lay the foundation of being something.”

“We don’t have to render the Big Answer. We don’t have to perform the Immortal Deed. We don’t have to be Sensational or Remarkable. All we need is God.” (David Roper)

Could this be our prayer?

“My Father, I commend myself to you, I give myself to you,
I leave myself in your hands. My Father, do with me as you wish.
Whatever you do with me, I thank you, I accept everything.
I am ready for anything. I thank you always.
So long as your will is done in me … I have no other wish, my God.
I put my soul into your hands, giving it to you, my God, with all my heart’s love,
which makes me crave to abandon myself to you without reserve,
with utter confidence. For are you not my Father?”

(From Meditations of a Hermit, by Charles de Foucauld)